Wheatgrass Tray

Wheatgrass Tray


Per 10×20 tray


How to use it

The main way to use wheatgrass is to juice it and incorporate it into smoothies or drink it as a shot. Simply cut the grass at the base with a knife or scissors and gently wash under water to remove dirt and other impurities. Then put the blades of grass into a blender with some water (for longer blades of grass I recomend cutting into smaller pieces). Then turn the blender on for a few minutes till the grass turns to a juice. Simply strain the juice through some cheese cloth or a strainer to remove pulp. The wheatgrass juice is now ready to be used. Please note that for maximum nutrients, juice should be used within 30 mins of juicing. For storage simply place extra juice into ice cube trays and place in freezer. Do not thaw and refreeze juice.



Wheatgrass is loaded with nutrients such as:

  • Iron
  • Potassium
  • Vitamins A, C, and E
  • Magnesium
  • Calcium
  • Amino Acids
  • Chlorophyll
  • Flavonoids

Lower overall diease risk

In general, research shows that people who eat more antioxidant-rich foods tend to have a lower disease risk overall. Just like other green plant foods, wheatgrass is packed with antioxidant compounds — including flavonoids, chlorophyll, and vitamin C — that fight the damaging effects of free radicals and reduce inflammation.


It might help keep your weight in check

Wheatgrass is super low in calories, so it’s a great option if you’re trying to lose weight or maintain a moderate weight. Wheatgrass could also help support your overall efforts to eat healthfully and exercise, since it contains proteins and antioxidants thought to boost metabolism. In other words, it might help you burn a few extra calories.


It can help ease digestive issues

Wheatgrass has long been used as a remedy for diarrhea and other digestive issues, though there’s not much formal research backing this up.

But science does suggest that wheatgrass juice might help reduce symptoms of more serious gastrointestinal issues like ulcerative colitis. In a small 2002 study, patients who drank a wheatgrass shot daily for a month experienced a significant decrease in disease activity and rectal bleeding.


It might help wounds heal

Wheatgrass has been used topically to treat burns, ulcers, and other skin lesions, and there might be something to that remedy: The chlorophyll in wheatgrass has antibacterial properties to could help prevent infections.

Plus, chlorophyll has been shown to stimulate the production of red blood cells needed to build healthy new tissue.


It could help fight infections

Wheatgrass’s antibacterial properties may be good for more than just helping wounds heal. Some research suggests wheatgrass can be useful for treating infections that are resistant to antibiotics, as well as some types of strep throat.


It may promote healthy cholesterol

Animal studies suggest that the antioxidants in wheatgrass have the potential to fight the buildup of harmful plaque in your arteries in the face of a high fat diet.

In a 2010 study, rabbits that consumed wheatgrass for 10 weeks had lower levels of total cholesterol and higher levels of HDL (“good”) cholesterol. Will it do the same for you? There’s no way to know for sure, but adding wheatgrass to a healthy diet could help protect your heart.


It could help balance out blood sugar levels

Eating a diet with lots of fruits and vegetables and limited added sugar is a must for reducing your diabetes risk.

Animal research suggests that the enzymes in wheatgrass might be particularly beneficial for blood sugar. A 2013 study on diabetic rats found that those who were given wheatgrass daily had significantly lower blood sugar levels after just 1 month.


It can give you ~super~ blood

A small 2005 study found that wheatgrass reduced the number of blood transfusions needed in people with the blood disorder thalassemia.

Why? Experts aren’t completely sure, but they theorize that wheatgrass has compounds that could improve the quality of red blood cells.


It might fortify your immune system

Some experts say that wheatgrass has immunomodulatory properties, meaning it can stimulate or suppress your body’s immune response based on what your body needs.

There’s not much evidence to back that up, but if you want to try adding more wheatgrass to your diet during cold and flu season, it’s something most people can do without any downside.


It could protect against cancer

The antioxidants in wheatgrass appear to play a role in fighting off cancer cells.

Though the research is still quite limited, test tube studies have shown that wheatgrass can kill both mouth cancer and leukemia cells, leading some scientists to suggest that the plant could one day play a role in cancer management.